Consumer awareness campaign
Official launch by all partners of this campaign L’Union des Fabricants (Unifab), French association for the promotion and defence of intellectual property rights, which represents 200 companies and professional federations from all sectors of activity, encourages solidarity against counterfeiting and piracy, on the occasion of the launch of its...
Unifab and its sisters associations are thrilled to invite you to their digital event !
Unifab gives you the opportunity to catch up the last World Anti-Counterfeiting Day event online !
25th European Forum of Intellectual Property
The European Forum of Intellectual Property, has celebrated its 25th anniversary online on March 11th & 12th! At the occasion of its quarter of century, this major event in the intellectual property world has made its come back with a pretigious program, digitalized, which has mixed honorable speakers with some...
25ème Forum Européen de la Propriété Intellectuelle : les inscriptions sont ouvertes !
Le Forum Européen de la Propriété Intellectuelle, a célébré ses fêtera 25 ans en ligne les 11 & 12 mars derniers ! A l'occasion de son quart de siècle, cette manifestation incontournable dans le monde de la propriété intellectuelle, a fait son grand retour avec un programme prestigieux, entièrement digitalisé,...